Our History
The Krewe of Triton was founded and held its first annual Tableau and Ball in 1980. The initial philosophy of the Krewe was to create a “working man’s krewe” that welcomed all who wanted to enjoy the fun and merriment of Mardi Gras. The membership is restricted to men over the age of 21. Rather than pick our royal court based upon a point system as many traditional krewes do, we chose to return to the original method of random luck see the tradition of king cakes to choose our king, queen and court. Each member who believes that they can live up to the financial obligations of king, may place their name, for a fee, in a drawing to determine who will be king. The queen is chosen by random lot from all qualifying candidates sponsored by a krewe member. The dukes are chosen from those members who wish to have their names considered for duke. There is a fee involved when chosen as a duke. Maids are chosen in a similar fashion from the ladies sponsored by krewe members for consideration.
Our Ball and Tableau are presented in a modified version of a debutante style. After the Captain is presented and kicks off the Tableau, The King and Queen are presented to reign over the presentation of the Royal Court. The members of the Royal Court are each costumed to represent a facet of the current year’s theme. The Royal Maid is usually a young lady presented by her Royal Duke (often her father or a family friend). Occasionally, we have allowed wives of krewe members to be presented as well. After the Tableau, our krewe rolls an indoor parade followed by dancing for all.
In addition to the annual ball, our krewe conducts several other parties and membership functions throughout the year. These include the choosing and coronation of our King, Queen and Royal Court, the annual Summer Steak Supper (to welcome new members), and the Dukes Night Celebration. Some of our parties are on a pay as you go basis, others are prepaid by the Krewe.
Oh, about our name……
Triton is the Greek God of the Sea. Half man, half fish, his mystical powers and strength rule the seas and all bodies of water. We pay homage to the sea, for it is such an integral part of our life and leisure in South Louisiana.